Cronulla High School

Telephone02 9523 4017

Year 7-11 term 3 update

year 7-11

Good Afternoon Parents and Students of Years 7-11,

Firstly, we would like to recognise the challenges associated with the current uncertainty due to the ever-changing Covid landscape and we know that this is far from ideal. Our priority at this difficult time is to ensure the learning and wellbeing needs of all students remain our primary focus. In 2020 our students demonstrated that we can overcome these challenges by working closely together and that is exactly what we intend to do again in 2021.

We would like to provide you all with clarification about the arrangements of teaching and learning at Cronulla High School for Week 1 of Term 3.

  • The Premier’s advice is that students should be learning from home and only attend school if adequate supervision cannot be provided at home
  • Work will be provided to all students in line with timetabled lessons before the start of each school day via eDiary. This means that on Tuesday 13th July lessons will be provided for Week 1A Day 2 and so on for Week 1. Students are expected to engage meaningfully in the work set
  • Based on our shared experiences in 2020 teachers have been asked to set work for students which can be completed in approximately 30-40 minutes for a 50 minute lesson. This is due to the different nature of online learning compared with face to face instruction and discussion, as we remain mindful of not overloading students and their families whilst learning from home
  • Teachers will use eDiary to direct students to any learning platforms they need to utilise
  • Staff will be accessible to their students via email. In most instances, staff will respond within 24 hours (excluding weekends). In some circumstances, staff will need to acknowledge the receipt of an email before constructing a meaningful reply. This could take a longer period of time
  • Students will have some video lessons throughout the week with instructions and links to be provided on eDiary
  • Students are reminded to read the “Cronulla High School’s Guidelines for Video Sessions” which is attached to this email
  • The only planned Assessment Task for Years 7 – 11 during Week 1 of Term 3 is the Year 10 Science SRP which was due on Friday 16th July. This task will now be due on Friday 23rd July.
  • Our school counsellors, careers advisers and student learning support officers are working remotely and are still available to have phone consultations as required. Please contact the school to make an appointment if necessary.
  • If students cannot be supervised at home and need to attend school the following applies: o Bring laptop, charger and headphones every day, including Thursday
  • Masks are mandatory in all indoor settings whilst at school
  • Bring own food and drink as canteen will not be operating
  • Students at school will complete the same work as students learning from home
  • If students attend school they will be supervised only and a traditional, face-to-face lesson will not be provided
  • Normal school behavioural expectations apply including uniform, punctuality & engagement in learning
  • If students are unwell they are not to attend school and if showing flu-like symptoms they will not be able to return to school until a negative Covid test result is presented

If there are any questions please contact the school.

Stay well,

Tony Ibrahim
