Cronulla High School

Telephone02 9523 4017

HSC result

Below is an overview of the HSC results for 2024:

  • 40 Band 6s, 262 Band 5s and 334 Band 4s.
  • 75.1% of all bands awarded were Bands 4-6.
  • The average HSC score for our students was 75.1. The average HSC score for Similar School Groups was 74.16, while the average HSC score for the State was 73.8.
  • 27 students made the Distinguished Achievers List, meaning that they were awarded at least one Band 6. 
  • 11 of the examined courses had an average mark above the state average of three or greater: Ancient History (>6), Community and Family Studies (>6), Dance (>9), Drama (>5), English Standard (>3), English Studies (>7), Food Technology (>4), Mathematics Standard (>3), Music (>5), Society & Culture (>6).
  • Brielle Julian, Jade Watson-Steege and Melanie Vrondas nominated for Callback in Dance
  • Sienna Horner, Keilana Finau and Phoenix Cole individual performances nominated for Onstage and Sienna, Keliana, Phoenix and Tori McCann group performance nominated for Onstage
  • Callum Grant, Jett Mancuso, Noah McCallum, Evan Ryan and Tyler Vandenberg Industrial Technology major works nominated for SHAPE
  • Rosa Phelan was awarded DUX with an ATAR of 96.85.
  • 43 students achieved an ATAR above 80.
  • 64% of our students achieved a first round university offer.

We are extremely proud of the results achieved by 2024 Year 12 students. Many set goals for themselves, worked hard, made sacrifices and met their teachers half way to achieve these outstanding results. Congratulations to both the students and their teachers.