Cronulla High School

Telephone02 9523 4017

About our school

Welcome to Cronulla High School

You are enrolling your child in a school with an excellent reputation. The School has been awarded two Director-General’s School Achievement Awards, one for meeting community expectations, the other for transition programs and links with local primary schools. These awards were given because of the close relationship we have built up with parents and the community and our success in maximising the achievements of students. 

Students and their parents tell us consistently that the most outstanding feature of the school is the excellence of our teachers. They are committed to building relationships based on respect for students and focusing students on success in learning.

As a staff our three goals are: 

1. to raise expectations;

2. to communicate with parents; 

3. to recognise achievement.


Cronulla High School students excel in all fields of endeavour. Their achievements regularly place them in the top ranks of the Higher School Certificate results. Virtually all our graduates find places in tertiary institutions, apprenticeships, traineeships or full-time employment. As in previous years, 2024 saw over 60% of our graduates offered university places.

Our sports persons are renowned for their success in both individual and team competitions at local, regional, state and national levels. 

The performing arts unit is well established with dance, music and drama available to all students for study through to the Higher School Certificate as well as co-curricular participation available in junior and senior dance, drama ensembles, choir and school concert band. Senior students also have the opportunity to study a number of Vocational Education and Training courses (VET) courses at both school and TAFE.

We insist on high standards of dress and behaviour from your child. In return we offer high standards of teaching, a structured and caring environment and a variety of learning experiences. 

Cronulla is a proud and successful high school. My staff and I will work with you as partners in guiding your child’s development to adulthood. I encourage you as a parent to support and engage in the life of the school.

Tony Ibrahim 
