17 Dec 2022

2022 HSC results were released. Our students performed exceptionally well, achieving our best results ever in terms of Bands. There were 62 Band 6s awarded and 216 Band 5s. At least one Band 6 was achieved in 19 subjects. There were 38 students who made the Distinguished Achievers List meaning they were awarded at least one Band 6. Aniek Compton placed first in NSW for Food Technology with Hannah McGroder placing eighth in NSW for Food Technology. A wonderful achievement by both the girls and their teacher, Ms Catherine James. While Schools are provided with student HSC results, we need to rely on students for their ATAR results. At this stage we are aware of at least 11 students who have gained an ATAR above 90. Congratulations to all the Year 12 students and their teachers on these outstanding results.
2022 ATAR Results
Aniek Compton 95.75
Taya Wilson 95.15
Tahlia Kennedy 95.05
Hannah McGroder 94.80
Ellexa Gibson 94.65
Finn Hyland 93.45
Harper Marvin 92.10
Finn McParland 91.00
Ella Hedderman 90.50
Arwen Johnstone 90.20
Jake Roberto 90.10